Checking out Maybe Sunshine. A web series by Lisa Hammer and Levi Wilson

Maybe Sunshine.

Maybe Vinyl

Maybe Sunshine is a “coming-of-middle age” story about a 40 something rock queen (Lisa Hammer, Triana Orpheus on Adult Swim’s The Venture Bros.) who builds a new band from scratch after the disastrous break-up of her last band a decade earlier. She was a big deal in the 90’s, but now she is 20 years older, 40 pounds heavier, and divorced. She must learn how to tweet, text, twerk, hashtag and trend, just to keep up. She has to start from the bottom again, playing crappy gigs, dealing with nymphomaniac, drug addict band mates, a quirky Colombian manager with 5 jobs, his mysterious bodyguard, a Pee Vampire, debauched frienemies, a depressed male gigolo, a coke-head record label executive, vapid models, and rival bands. She must do all this while navigating the new world of older lady-dom; like peeing when she sneezes, getting winded from one flight of stairs, amassing as much weight as she does debt, and worst of all: facing her own irrelevance and being called “ma’am”. Lisa handles her new reality with all the grumpiness and sarcasm of a Gen X, quirky, goth-punk, managing to piss off or alienate everyone she meets.

You can find more episodes by heading over to their You Tube channel, but for now check out Episode 1 of the show here.

In this first episode  Lisa plays her first gig with her new band Radiana. The band plays to an empty room. The headliner, a horrible one man band named NewTron, likes Radiana and offers to introduce them to his record label. Diego roughs up the club promoter to pay the band.

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